BOLOGNA 1861-2021: Historical Reenactment

On the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, 8cento APS, in collaboration with the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento - Certosa di Bologna and the Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento - Bologna Committee, promotes a calendar of initiatives aimed at to recall the events and characters that were decisive for achieving Italian Unification, according to a perspective particularly linked to our territory.

The reenactment “Italy is Made! Bologna 1861-2021: historical reenactment” includes a calendar of 11 events, free and open to citizens, and the creation of the "E-Book of the Unification of Italy", a digital product available online with recounted facts and episodes recalled.
The reenactment is part of Bologna Summer 2021, the program of activities promoted and coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna and the Metropolitan City of Bologna - Tourist Destination, and is part of the Emilia-Romagna Historical Reenactment calendar. The project obtained the recognition of the Ministry of Culture in the section of historical reenactments, reaching 12th place in the national ranking.

Artistic direction by Alessia Branchi, artistic director of 8cento APS.

2021 Events Calendar
March 17 online
Conference - Italy is Made!
June 11 Certosa
Things that happened at the time of my life
September 7 Bologna
Trekking of United Italy
April 18 Certosa
Marble heroes
June 27 Chiusa Park
Rossini itinerary
September 19 Savigno
Route of the rioters
May 22 Carducci square
Grand Ball of United Italy
June 29 Capitini square
Grand Ball of United Italy
November 11 online
Meeting - Italy is Made!
May 24-June 6 Certosa
Treasure hunt
July 13 Bracci square
Grand Ball of United Italy

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Ministero della Cultura Regione Emilia-Romagna
Comune di Bologna Bologna Estate Bologna è Cultura Città Metropolitana di Bologna Museo Civico del Risorgimento - Bologna Musei Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano - Comitato di Bologna Manifestazione Storica della Regione Emilia-Romagna
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